Monday, October 16, 2006

Big Mike Saddles Up

As some of you may know from my stories and my impression of his hearty guffaw (laugh), I find my father, Big Mike, to be very entertaining. I currently live with him in the same house I moved into when I was 2, and have had the good pleasure of helping him maintain his beautiful and clean forest estate. This includes such basic tasks as picking up sticks so we can burn them, blowing the lawn with his 8 horsepower super blower, cutting down trees, splitting wood, filling interior wood boxes for our nightly fires, clearing log/ stick jams from our river, etc. etc.... Basically anything that ultimately leads to burning wood.

This leads to me to a mini photo project in honor of Big Mike:

Big Mike Mowing the Lawn...

Big Mike Pushing a tree over with his bare hands...
Big Mike cutting down a tree...
Big Mike's friendly disposition, even while hard at work.
More to come; hopefully it will stop raining and we can get some other chores up. Stay tuned.


At 11:24 PM, Blogger rustafarian said...

bri, i like it. a day in the life of big mike. that scout mower is seriously top notch. tried and true.

At 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very useful phrase

At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many thanks for an explanation, now I will not commit such error.


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