Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Starry Skies and Wimpy Black Eyes

A few pics from the Dominican Republic... January 22, 2007. 6:00 A.M. Sunset, January 20. Dos Coronas, por favor... muchos gracias senor.
More to come soon, including how I got a black eye doing a Jimmy Superfly leap off the pool bar and how I got a 2nd degree burn trying to catch a salt shaker in my chef's hat at the Teppanyaki grill.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

See ya'll in a week...

Brothers, sisters, tribesman (or just all three people who read my blog)...
I'm going Kenny Chesney on your arses... tomorrow morning I'm boarding a plane headed for the Dominican Republic and won't be back for a week. Talk to ya'll's then.
mucho gusto, bri

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Moonset over Ohesia

This Morning...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Incurable tone addictions

Rusty, you'll appreciate this...

I never thought I would ever be one of those people (I was gonna say "losers" but changed my mind) who posts pictures of his guitars or whatever on the web, but I just can't help it... I'm just STOKED. I guess it's what you do when you live in Ohio... and you're 28... and single. Pictured to the left is my Collings MF (mandolin) which I bought back in September. I don't have a pic of the front, sorry.

This purchase only served to dramatically swell my tone addiction, as my Collings guitar is being shipped from Aspen and will be here tomorrow.

I'll post some pictures when it shows up...

Once you hear the tone on one of these suckers, you're screwed.